In the event that you accept just purchased a new phone, SIM carte du jour, or upgraded, y'all may experience problems receiving messages. You volition be happy to acquire that you are non the only one experiencing this state of affairs and that this problem regularly affects smartphone owners. In that location are several reasons that can explicate this type of trouble and we will try to help you find a solution. your problem receiving SMS on OnePlus N10.

To do this, to begin with, nosotros will in plow see what are the different message reception problems that may touch on your OnePlus N10. So, every bit a second footstep, review the solutions that y'all can put in place to resolve the trouble that affects you.


The dissimilar issues receiving SMS on OnePlus N10

Nosotros will start this page by listing the dissimilar issues receiving SMS messages on your OnePlus N10. As we told you a piffling higher up, information technology is non boggling to have bug with the SMS of a OnePlus N10. And this also happens with MMS from your OnePlus N10, moreover, in the consequence that you take bug at this level, accept a look at our little file on this topic, so that you can have solutions to your problem.

SMS are not being sent or received on my OnePlus N10

The kickoff most common problem you tin can confront is not not receive or get to send your SMS from your OnePlus N10. This is the most embarrassing trouble because you are non able to communicate with those around you anymore. Before going into more than complex solutions to solve your trouble, which y'all will discover in the second function of this page, make sure you still have the network by looking at the confined and the logo (ex: E, H +, 3G, 4G ...) at the peak right of the notification bar on your screen. In all cases, this trouble can exist acquired by several causes, either it is a network problem, a trouble with the weight of the SMS, or a bug on your OnePlus N10.

I am not receiving certain messages on my OnePlus N10

In the effect that y'all are in the situation where your OnePlus N10 is having issues and not receiving or sending certain letters , it's less of a hassle but the trouble is that yous are never sure of the correct sending or receiving of the exchanges with your contacts. It is therefore important for you to quickly find a solution to this problem. Even if the problem is noticeably different than for those who can no longer communicate by bulletin at all, the reasons may be similar. Indeed, especially if it is occasional the cause is often due to the faulty network when sending or receiving a message.

Solutions to bug receiving SMS on OnePlus N10

We at present move on to the different solutions to solve your problems receiving SMS on OnePlus N10. There are several, nosotros accept sorted them for yous in guild, then we propose that you try the first solution offered each time before trying another.

Restart your OnePlus N10 to correct your worries most receiving messages

It may audio airheaded but the majority of bugs are fixed past merely restarting the mobile telephone. In the upshot that you lot want to solve your problems receiving text letters on OnePlus N10, we suggest that you start restarting your device and requite it a endeavor (ask a loved one to write you lot a text). It is even possible that you will receive all pending letters.

Change messaging application on OnePlus N10

If restarting your device was not enough, you will need to try irresolute the email application. This is non necessarily an platonic solution, merely it can temporarily solve your worries about sending and receiving messages on your OnePlus N10. To do this, nosotros suggest y'all read our article to learn how to change message application on OnePlus N10. In addition, it will probably allow you to notice a more suitable application for your needs. Indeed, some messaging applications offering many possibilities of customization and are more pleasant to utilize.

Check the messaging information on your OnePlus N10

In the event that you do not want to alter your messaging application or that this solution has not solved your SMS reception problems, nosotros will now go to the next step and check if you take not a parameter in your "mailbox" that has gone wrong. To do this, nosotros will cheque if the number of the bulletin center is the correct one, a number called SMSC. To practise this check, follow the instructions below:

  • Restart your OnePlus N10 before starting the procedure.
  • Type "* # * # 4636 # * # *" ​​to get to the advanced menu of your device.
  • Click on the tab " Phone Info " page (in French).
  • Then get to the sub menu " SMSC " folio (in French).
  • Now blazon, depending on your operator:
    • For SFR the number is +33609001390 you will have to enter 07913306091093f0
    • For Gratuitous, the number is +33695000695 it volition be necessary to enter 07913396050096f5
    • For Orangish the number is +33689004000 and y'all should therefore annotation 07913386094000f0
    • For Bouygues Telecom is +33660003000 enter 07913366003000f0
  • Ostend the procedure.
  • In the event that this operation does not piece of work, get to the next step to solve your problems receiving messages on OnePlus N10.

Reset your OnePlus N10 to fix your SMS reception problems

Penultimate solution In the event that you are even so the victim of a problem receiving a message on your OnePlus N10 despite the diverse tests seen previously, yous can endeavor to reset your device. This procedure is quite elementary and will reset your phone to manufactory settings. The just problem with this process is that you will lose all the information saved on your OnePlus N10. Then remember to save your photos, videos, and other essential information on a reckoner or a USB cardinal and then as not to lose annihilation important. Follow the manipulation beneath to do information technology:

  • Open up the app » Parameters On your device.
  • Click on the menu » Policy "," Global management " or " Reset »Depending on the Android version installed on your OnePlus N10.
  • So go to the sub menu " Reset settings »And validate the procedure.

Contact your operator to resolve the concerns of receiving messages on your OnePlus N10

If none of these solutions has been able to solve your SMS reception problems, we suggest that you simply contact your operator who tin analyze the reason for your business and who can certainly quickly put an stop to it.

If yous always want a lot of tutorials to go the absolute master of the OnePlus N10, we invite you to spotter the other tutorials in the category: One Plus N10.