
I Can Do Anything You Like

Dear Earthling brothers and sisters,

This is Commander Hakann speaking. I greet you lot in peace and love.

Simply like Tunia, I am a Pleiadian. Earthlings and Pleiadians are office of the same Human being species. I look like a typical earthling and I could accept children with earthlings in the normal manner.

I am currently on a space send, orbiting your planet. I am grateful that I am being channeled through an Earthling man, so that I tin speak to you.

As you all know, the situation on the planet is dire. We encounter the man-fabricated famines. We run into people who are trying to sabotage your mode of life and who are trying to take away your freedoms. We encounter you lot beingness forced into a wage slavery coin magick organisation, that's existence squeezed tighter and tighter.

We desire you to know that we are seeing what is happening on Earth, and that it is not acceptable what is being done to you. The people behind the scenes are breaking galactic law. Or on a more practical level, information technology is not acceptable that they are lying to you, manipulating you, withholding data from yous and are trying to control you.

From our stop, we are working every bit hard as we tin to aid you lot. A number of Pleiadians have already died in our overall campaign to assist you lot. I say this to illustrate that we are absolutely committed to helping our Earthling brothers and sisters. Nosotros will continue until this job is over and we will succeed.

The Light is absolutely going to win and the futurity of Earth and humanity is very bright. That said, the current state of affairs is far from over. And in that location is unfortunately a limit to how speedily we Pleiadians are able to move.

My master bulletin to yous is: you are stronger than you know.

This statement, "you are stronger than you know", is true on many levels.

On ane level, it is true that yous are able to overcome more adversity than you lot call up y'all will. When push button comes to shove, you nearly e'er rise to the occasion, which is a great trait of earthlings. When information technology comes down to information technology, virtually ever you volition be able to succeed and progress, if you commit to something and put your mind to it. Fifty-fifty if earthlings fail, typically they learn from that and pick themselves back upwardly later on a while. In both cases, nearly e'er in that location'south forwards progress if an earthling commits to something and takes action.

On some other level, earthlings normally care for other earthlings and for nature. Sure, some earthlings are born without a conscience. Certain, oft earthlings are so overworked and underappreciated and tired that all they can do is only take care of themselves and work at their job and that is information technology. However, the vast vast bulk of earthlings practice fundamentally intendance for other beings effectually them. This is another way in which you lot are potent. Being selfish is like shooting fish in a barrel, caring for others takes forcefulness. And most of yous do intendance.

On a third level, you take many more "supernatural" and psychic abilities than you call up yous practice. There are many Pleiadians who can communicate telepathically, teleport, exist in two locations at once and turn invisible. Yet nosotros Pleiadians are impressed with the raw psychic strength that earthlings accept. Your raw potential is greater than ours, it's only unrefined and unrealized. And your psychic strength is certainly greater than that of the beings who would seek to control you.

According to your bible, Jesus said the following: "Very truly I tell yous, whoever believes in me volition exercise the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, considering I am going to the Father." We agree. Jesus was an amazing human, and every earthling has the potential to do the things he was able to do.

We empathise that y'all will non be able to instantly unlock these abilities. We are not even advising you to directly piece of work on unlocking these abilities. The vast bulk of you would exist better served by but working on improving your life in the conventional way. This includes taking intendance of yourself and if yous have the infinite for it, working through your old pain and letting your emotions express themselves. Or by choosing some project or surface area of your life and working on that.

You lot are more powerful than you know. You tin can practice more than you lot call back yous tin. You lot are more resilient and potent than yous realize. If you put your listen to it, you lot tin practise nearly anything. Even if y'all "fail" at something, unremarkably you lot'll learn very valuable lessons along the style and normally it's a net do good to you, to take tried and failed at something.

You too don't have to bound to the top of a mountain at in one case. It'south perfectly fine to accept pocket-size incremental steps on your way to the top. In many cases, it's constructive to brainstorm a crude outline of what steps y'all'll demand to have and to so merely start working on ane of the steps, without worrying about all the other steps. Over-researching everything before you start, frequently just leads to paralysis. Deadening and steady activeness is the best antidote to worry.

It's frequently meliorate to work towards something even if you're not quite sure well-nigh your goals and methods, than it is to non practice annihilation out of fright that you'll do the wrong matter. Taking action is oft better than non taking activeness, even if you're not quite sure which the best activeness is. And y'all don't need to start spending hours every day to work on whatever project you cull – slow and steady really does win the race.

I leave you today, with all my honey and well-wishes. You are doing great. And you can do just about annihilation yous put your mind to.

Your star brother,

For Era of Light

**Channel: A. Due south.



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